Friday, January 25, 2013

Life Has Value, Or Does It? (Poetry)

Doesn't Life Matter Anymore?

How many instances of violence can we accept? When will we stop believing everyone thinks life is the most important gift ever received and values it above everything else? When will we do something about it?

A mother cries loudly, sobs her daughter’s death song,
victim of a drive-by, so atrociously wrong.
A father huddles children, their mother has passed,
late night store robbery, her skull viciously bashed.

A grandfather clutches pillow, grandma’s not there,
break-in murder victim, strangled in her own chair.
A girlfriend watches news, lover’s car off the road,
a road rage statistic, a savage story told.

A world questions horror in the madness at hand,
all searching for answers, desires to understand.
“Blame guns, upbringing, cast blame on society,
to jail never send them, it’s just insanity”

Networks air stories, psychologists fight to speak,
their words, defy logic, it’s prominence they seek.
“Not himself, in a zone, blanked out during attack,
not bad, needs attention, a good guy can come back.”

A young boy watches close, attends school late this day,
takes a knife, stabs a classmate, knows that he’ll get away.
No praying, no believing, no “Eye for Eye” rules,
believe validations, create the Devil’s tools.

The world makes excuses, and lives life normally,
and crying parents wonder, “Oh, how can this be?”

These Questions Need Answers

Has the violence become so common that we no longer feel the shock factor?
Do we lessen the crime by validating the act?
Have we created a “blameless society”. where personal accountability is never a factor?
Have we become more concerned about the criminal and less of the victims?
Have we grown as a society by accepting violence and pretending there‘s nothing we can do to stop it?

A Personal Note

"The more I see in the news, the darker I tend to become. I know society can change, but I wonder if it really wants to. It's easier to put the kids in front of the TV babysitter, or let them become engrossed in a video game, than it is to relate to them on a level they can understand. I believe that good will triumph over evil in the end, but how far in the future are we looking? We see hints that there is good around, but why are they only hints and not the norm? I can't answer these questions. Can you?"

©Copyright RCRUMPLE2012. All Rights Reserved.

Majestic I Stand (Positive Motivation)

The Tree: Phase One

I remember the first time I saw the sun.
Life had been dark and cool to that point. I was a young plant, just out of the seed. The earth around me has supplied my tiny roots with dampness to take away my thirst and nutrients to sate my growing hunger.
For days and weeks I stayed under. It was safer in my tender and fragile state. But, danger did exist. I once felt the vibrations of a mole close by and I feared it would change its way and rip me apart. The tunnel it was creating got closer and closer until, at the last moment, it veered left and just missed my strongest root. I was saved for the moment, but an immediate desire to grow more sturdy was burning within.
Finally, after much anticipation, I found the ground crumbling above. I stretched out and pushed as hard as my feeble stem would allow. I succeeded! I had broken through!
A most marvelous sight awaited. Above me was this glowing orb suspended in a beautiful blue sky. White clouds floated by as a slight breeze afforded them the power to travel great distances. The warmth of the orb and freshness of the breeze helped provide an exhilaration never before experienced as I joined my family above for the first time.
My struggle had been worth the wait, The cold, the damp, the darkness would always be a needed factor in my well being as my roots partake of food and drink. But, as important as they had been to my beginning, I knew my life had much to discover as it relished in the light of day and the upper world.
The oaks, the elms, and the pines were my brothers and friends. They gave me direction in my early years. They showed me how to cup the rain on my leaves, dig my roots deeper and deeper to fortify my upper weight, and bend with the breeze.
We were alone for the most part. Yet, danger lurked in my first Fall of the year. Hunters carelessly trampled over the saplings in their haste to kill various animals. Even the young they brought with them took no notice of most of us as they tried desperately to keep up with the older counterparts.
My leaves dried and fell to the ground, as did those of all my brothers and friends. I feared us doomed and screamed my regret of having such a short life. That was before I recognized that like the snake that crawled over my small branches, trees, too, shed their skins. Oh, we kept our bark as it would provide us protection from Winter's fury, but leaves would later replace themselves.
My first Winter was difficult. Several times I felt myself being weighed to the ground by the heavy ice and snow. However, when I was at my lowest and straining hard to stay in one piece, the sun would present itself and melt away my trials. I survived day by day with that thought in mind.
Spring arrived! As expected, my leaves returned. Each year after my birth I found more and more of them filling out the limbs that had grown even more branches. I was now stronger and more stable. I was no longer afraid of the animals or hunters that passed by.
Life was wonderful in those early years. Nothing to do but soak in the sun's brilliance, taste the sweetness of the morning dew, and drink the fresh rain that fell regularly. I grew stronger and my trunk expanded to a surprising girth. Everything was perfect!

The Tree: Phase Two

And then the humans came.
I was accustomed to the hunters. In fact, once a hunter had let loose with his long metal stick and missed the deer that stood in front of me. The piercing sting of his metal pellets entered deep inside my bark. Their bite was strong, and I must admit I lost a little sap, but I stood firm and dared him to do it again. He only walked away.
But, these humans were different. They wore shiny orange shells atop their bodies. I watched as they carried metal contraptions on legs that they would look through at other humans, move them a bit, and move them again. I saw my brothers and friends marked with red ribbons and strange markings. Yet, I was untouched except for several of them pulling some fruit seedlings from my branches to devour.
Next, the killing machines arrived. Humans carried in yellow and orange machines with teeth to take the lives of my family. One by one, their roaring signified another member was dying and would soon be taken away by the many wheeled vehicles. No matter how hard I screamed for the humans to stop, the sound of the machines were louder than my pleadings.
I remained untouched.
Then, the big machines arrived. They pushed and pulled the remaining trunks and, without mercy, ripped the roots from the ground. One even backed into me. I stood strong, refusing to give way to its hunger for violence. In fact, I dropped some of my fruit seedlings on the human in charge of the machine, but his orange top protected him. I watched him later collect my fruit seedlings as he left that evening.
Finally, after many weeks, the damage was complete. The machines had taken all of my family and friends, stolen the grass and bushes leaving only bare earth, and even scattered away the animals. I could see just one other survivor about a mile down the hill. We stood alone where many had once thrived. Loneliness was our only companion.
Then, more men arrived. They started pouring out a gray liquid that hardened overnight. Strings, sticks and ribbons marked the borders they worked within. Slowly the view I had cherished disappeared as these human made structures grew higher and higher. I couldn't even see the one tree like myself anymore. I was truly alone.
The dust from the stripped earth was suffocating. It clogged my leaves and dried my bark. When it finally rained, I tried to enjoy it. But, with the grass and plant life no longer there, the loose soil quickly turned to mud. That was when I began to worry as my roots had little to grab onto. The support to my massive stance was loosening. I held on, hoping for a miracle. It was only my will that kept me standing.
The gray liquid that hardened overnight was again being poured from the vehicles. It was formed into long flat strips that the humans drove their vehicles on, and smaller versions of the same for them to walk upon.
Men, with new offerings of greenery on their vehicles, planted them in fertilized patches. Later, they laid down square patches of grass atop the exposed soil. I didn't understand why they would strip grass from the earth to put down new grass. The humans never made much sense anyway.
Fear returned as they cut away some of my branches. My efforts to resist their machines failed as they bit too hard. I cried sap where the branches had been. However, in a couple of days, I no longer felt the pain.
In the weeks ahead, I began to feel ill. My strength was ebbing and holding up my fruit seedlings took all my strength. After a couple of weeks, different humans came and examined me. They injected the earth around my roots with some liquid that immediately brought back feelings of vitality.

The Tree: The Answer

This act made me wonder. "Do these creatures care about me? Why did they not take me with my fallen brothers on the big vehicles? What makes me so special? Of what use could I be to them?"
Then, my revelation appeared."These humans love my fruit seedlings!"
They gather those that I drop on purpose, as well as, take the ripe fruit seedlings off my branches. I have seen them give them to each other and walk away hand in hand. I even watched several gather the seeds from them and plant them close by.
I'll keep producing fruit seedlings for them. This simple act may continue to keep me alive. And one day, I may again have a brother to talk to!

How About You?

We all begin life the same. It's out of womb and into the crib. As we grow, we find others from which to learn. We quickly find there's safety as a group.
As we age, these friends slowly slip away and we enter a dangerous world. Only now, we do it alone. How do we survive?
We have to see the sanity. We must keep ourselves from becoming cynical. We must not give up! Daily challenges are only that...challenges! We either conquer them or they conquer us. Either way, new challenges await the next day.
You can stand tall and majestic through your actions and efforts. It's the fruit of your brain that can change how you view the world in which you exist, and maybe even change that world.
As this is the case, everybody has something to offer!
What do you have?

©Copyright RCRUMPLE2012. All Rights Reserved.

How To Deal With Spam: Let's Return The Favor (Humor)

Smell It Cooking In The Air

Yum! Yum!
I just can't wait to have eggs and spam for breakfast, not that I ever eat breakfast, which I know is the most important meal of the day, but I just don't eat breakfast unless I've been up all night, and then it's not breakfast, really, it's more like dinner, or lunch, if you've only been up half the night! (That run-on sentence will give grammar aficionados fits!)
In fact, even though it’s been years since I’ve eaten spam, I remember liking it. Of course, time does affect one’s ability to recall.
Yet, whenever I go to my computer, I find spam sizzling on the screen, spattering fat globules all over my keyboard. Of course, I could use that as an excuse for typos in my writings, but instead, I spend twenty minutes with an industrial strength air compressor and two gallons of Windex cleaning it off.
Most of the time, I simply “delete” this spam from my diet of literary gems found in various educational sites on the web (Huff Pages,, Success Stories of Viagra, etc.). However, there are days that I feel particularly adventurous and seek refuge in the promises and delights offered in the Spam Folder.
I laugh, I cry, and I envision the reality of stupidity in today’s world. Should I ignore and delete, or should I have some fun? Never being one to shirk from my responsibilities, I have started to write letters to these advertisers to see what response might be given. These are a few glimpses at these correspondences.

(Name) Injury: Have you gained weight while using a birth control pill?

To Whom It May Concern:
I recently received your ad asking about weight gain while using a birth control pill. I appreciate your concern. However, let me ask, “Have you?”
As a 58 year old male, I have found very few uses for birth control pills. I tried giving them to my grandchildren by telling them they were tiny Pez tabs, but they didn’t care for the taste when chewed. And, no, they didn’t gain weight. I’ve tried using them as a sugar substitute, but found that they had a terrible aftertaste. And, lastly, they have absolutely no use as suppositories for hemorrhoids as they only tickle. I will ask my wife your question as soon as she completes her 25th heat flash this afternoon. Sincerely.......

(Name) Auto Warranty: Save Thousands On Auto Repairs

To Whom It May Concern:
I would indeed love to save thousands on auto repairs. The next time your auto needs thousands of dollars of work, please send me the thousands you save and I’ll save it in my account! I really appreciate your kindness in this matter. I’ll be holding my breath in wait of receiving your cash. Sincerely.....

(Name) Income Tax Reduction Experts:                  Eliminate And Settle Your Tax Bill Here

Dear Senator:
Your offer is very tempting, I must say. However, is Congress truly going to eliminate taxes and make big business responsible for paying the National Debt Deficit that you and they got us in? I applaud your efforts and can’t wait to tell all of my friends that America is truly the home of great political hope, dreams and sacrifice. You deserve a day off to play golf. I know you’ve gone without one for quite some time. Sincerely.....

(Name)(Name)'s Meaningful Beauty: Try (Name)(Name)'s Secret For Younger Looking Skin

Dear (First Name):
You are indeed a beautiful woman. I am honored that you write this old man.
Please, don’t think me cruel, but as my wife ages, my quest for younger looking skin is no secret. You are invited to stop in anytime and I’ll see if your skin is truly younger looking. This will require a full body search and extremely thorough examination, so please feel free to shower first! Sincerely......

(Name)(Name) Of Powerful Women:           Congratulations you’ve been chosen

Dear Madame Temptress:
I appreciate you choosing me to join your organization to take control of my future. My sex change operation is scheduled for next week, with a follow up operation six months later. I feel I have already started to take control of my future, but if you know the name of an inexpensive armpit hair removal specialist, it would be much appreciated. Sincerely.....

A Final Thought

As I sit here, anxiously awaiting responses, I can only fantasize what offers I will receive in the future. Excuse me if you will, I have to check on my bank account I set up for the ex-ruler of a certain African country. Who needs a 401K when you’ve got great people like this to depend on?


I have restrained myself from using any of the names of your companies due to advertising concerns of the products or services you offer. Since you so freely sent it to me, I feel it only right to share the gist of what you offer.
In the future, I simply ask, you research to whom your target audience is before sending out mass spam items. In fact, I'd appreciate being taken off of your email list you purchase from the scum that provide them. Thank you for your understanding, if that is a possible facet of your business ethics.
Oh, by the way, you Spam guys suck!

©Copyright RCRUMPLE2012. All Rights Reserved

TV (You Love): Limericks

Television is such a wonderful creation! It babysits children, provides noise for the lonely, and improves mental capabilites with all of its quality programming. (If you believe that, let me sell you a used car!)
Here are some limericks about your (not my) favorite shows!

Dancing With The Stars

On Monday Night Prime Time TV
it's Dancing With The Stars to see
view though we might
no stars in sight
just T and A bouncing so free.

America's Got Talent

Variety is this show's theme
contestants all have the same dream
but judging stinks
as all hope sinks
and Howard still thinks he's supreme.


The Glee cast continues to sing
used lyrics are all that they bring
They belt them out
"Heard This?" they shout
"Be original" most should sing.


Too long has this show been alive
We now know they all will survive
So sink or swim
With her or him
it's sponsors whose pockets will thrive.

True Blood

Vampire and werewolf glitches
fairies and sub-human bitches
lots of bare skin
much sex begin
clothes worn causes channel switches.

The Bachelor

Girls vie for this guy's wedding dance
his love they hope tactics enhance
act as they will
secrets to spill
they really just want in his pants.

The Bachelorette

Guys vie for this girls wedding dance
her love they hope tactics enhance
act as they will
secrets to spill
they really just want in her pants.
(*So What Did You Expect For Free?)


**If I have ticked anyone off by talking about your favorite television show,                                             it is highly recommended that you get a life!
Yes, I realize True Blood isn't reality TV. Or, is it? Can you sit there, high on your recliner throne, and say without a shadow of a doubt that vampires and werewolves don't exist? How the hell do you know for sure? I mean, they're on the Internet, right? And, not only that, but would Anthony Hopkins ever play a role that wasn't based on an actual character? And, besides that, I'd already written the limerick when I put this all together! So, if you don't like it, well, change the damn channel!
I know Anthony Hopkins has never been on True Blood. I was referring to the movie! See what TV's done to your brain!
If you are a network looking for someone to sue, I can tell you that I'm unemployed, homeless (after losing my double wide trailer), receiving food stamps (for another three weeks, then the disabilty kicks in), have 17 children that are being taken by child services (had to get rid of them somehow),have 27 outstanding warrants for self abuse (no comment), and own an AK-47 with a hair trigger to match my insane thoughts of seeing reality TV producers and network lawyers lining up to get what they all deserve.
Besides that, much love!

©Copyright RCRUMPLE2012. All Rights Reserved

The Writer's Stress Tango (Poetry)

(**Don't you remember when this was true? 
 Thanks HP's, for all the stupid changes you've made!)

Writing is a true pleasure for many of us! Yet, there are few among us that don't consider the opinions of others in the equation. This is where stress sometimes (?) enters the picture.

Write a hub
forehead rub
"Hope this is a good topic!"

Sitting here
held in fear
"What if no one likes it?"

Got to score
need much more
"How do they figure it?"

Dual content
nerves are spent
"What if it's condemned?"

Spelling right
verses tight
"Grammar, so many judges!"

Concise here
Explain there
"Internet mentality only scans!"

Offend who
comment zoo
"There's always a critic!"

Change profile
proper style
"Last chance to toss aside!"

Summary done
interest some
"Or will it be ignored?"

Is it good
publish should
"Why don't just delete?"

Take a chance
Fingers dance
"Pray many cut in!"

Stats to gaze
hope amaze
"Update, damn you, update!"

Sit a while
success smile
"Time to start the next one!"

©Copyright RCRUMPLE2012. All Rights Reserved

How Long Will You Stay (Poetry)

Today's world is changing. We are barraged with occurances that go beyond reason. If our children were to act that way, it would be extremely difficult, but most of us would stand by their side. Yet, all of us are children and can only pray our Father has the same patience.

We see you’ve been here.

We feel what you've given us

Parking Lots
Garbage Pits
You see what we’ve created.

You see what we’ve become.

You see what has diminished.

How many chances will you give?
How long will you stay?